How Long Does It Take for Expired Domains to Turn Back on When They Have Been Renewed?

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When a domain expires and you renew it, how long does it usually take for email to start working again?

Hey guys, so serious issue here. My domain expired because the tech who set it up, put it under a personal account and had all of the billing go to his house instead of setting it up as a business account. So, we never got a bill and thus assumed we were good on it. Not the case :(

Anyways, this took down our website and our email from external to internal only. Once we renewed they said it could take up to 24 hours for things to return to normal. We have been getting SOME external to internal email, but I noticed we only get those when the sender is using a relay server. How can I improve redundancy for something like this? I now have all the login information and will be transferring the domain this week, but what a nightmare this was.

My thought is that this is relient on DNS per each ISP, and when it becomes unregistered, they can no longer hit us until we renew and their DNS updates. Am I way off on this, or is this accurate? I've never had this sort of issue before, but I dont want to ever have this kind of issue again. Its really my fault as I didnt run a whois and notice this before, even though the only reason they gave me what I needed was because it was technically "Pending Renewal or Deletion".

By the way, I cannot hit my site. Can you guys test it to see and post your results as well, so I can get a feel for why some people can and others can't?


Craig M
Craig M This person is a Verified Professional
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Oct 26, 2009 at 15:02 UTC

For the best answer, check with your Registrar but I believe it should only take 24-48 hours for DNS to update again and propegate.

31 Replies

Craig M
Craig M This person is a Verified Professional
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Oct 26, 2009 at 15:02 UTC

For the best answer, check with your Registrar but I believe it should only take 24-48 hours for DNS to update again and propegate.


I can hit your site BTW, I am using Comcast DNS servers in the PIttsburgh, PA area.


We just went through this, but fortunately over a weekend.  Took almost 36 hours to finally resolve everything.  Hang in there. I can see your site just fine from Seattle WA.

Paul2860 This person is a Verified Professional
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Oct 26, 2009 at 15:07 UTC

We changed our Web site hosting company about six weeks ago and it only took an hour or so to come back up.  I could open your link by the way.

Craig M
Craig M This person is a Verified Professional
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Oct 26, 2009 at 15:11 UTC

I just checked and your like works for me as well.

I'm using TimeWarner Business Class in Raleigh, NC.

I this a trick to get more hits on your site as we test it for you?  :)

B-C This person is a Verified Professional
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Oct 26, 2009 at 15:43 UTC

mx records coming though good as well using

primary mx resolves and secondary mx resolves as well...

start > run > cmd > nslookup

set type=mx


(will display mx records for mail)

your particular email server doesn't seem to be responding... =

Can't connect to port 25.  Seems like there is a bad IP in the record or something else is offline..

secondary is seemingly working.  at least port 25 accepts a connection...looks more like a filter as it doesn't ehlo respond but at least accepts port 25 connection properly.


It's already been touched on but 24-48 hours is the pretty standard answer. Some domain registrars will knock down the TTL to help with propagation of the new records. It's up to the domain registrar to let those new DNS records loose so to speak. I have yet to see a domain registrar mess up the DNS propagation part. By this evening though a lot of your email should be flowing almost fully and by tomorrow afternoon you "should" be good to go again. Keep the contact number handy for who you're doing this through though just in case.

I took the liberty of doing some DNS checks for your domain and found that the MX record is not setup correctly:

WARN MX records are not CNAMEs WARNING: When I looked up your MX record, your DNS server returned a CNAME. This is an unusual situation, and I can't handle it -- the following MX tests may not work properly. The problem is:>
FAIL MX A lookups have no CNAMEs WARNING: One or more of your MX records points to a CNAME. CNAMEs are prohibited in MX records, according to RFC974, RFC1034 3.6.2, RFC1912 2.4, and RFC2181 10.3. The problem MX record(s) are:>>

Your MX record should point to an IP address and not a CNAME. You can see an example of the my company's MX record setup below:

INFO MX Record Your 1 MX record is:
5 [TTL=300] IP= [TTL=300] [US]


B-C This person is a Verified Professional
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Oct 26, 2009 at 17:12 UTC

you resolved to the redirected domain then ran the mx workup..

run the mx workup on the above domain without it being redirected...

Cnames are perfectly fine in mx-records.  May not be kosher but works fine.

Whoops...learn something new everyday. I just get paranoid around DNS because it is so very vital (definately one of the areas I pay attention to best practices). Thanks for the info and hope that the mail flow resumes in relatively short order.
Scott Alan Miller

Generally 48 hours for "full" propagation but just ten minutes or less for a lot of major lookup sites to have already switched.


Your site is visible here in the UK using BT Total Broadband.


Paul2860 wrote:

We changed our Web site hosting company about six weeks ago and it only took an hour or so to come back up.  I could open your link by the way.

Yeah, but if you have it transferred, you usually have a lot less downtime from what I'm told. Thats good to know though thanks.


Interesting. I have Comcast high speed at home (about 20 minutes away from the office) and at 8pm EST last night, I still couldnt pull the site in a browser. This morning thugh, I'm good. Thankf for all of the information guys. This was helpful. Email is now flowing again.


Hahahaha, I just noticed this. BC! hahahaha

you typed in ""

I am at ""  Recheck lol hehe

BTW, I did not receive any emails from spiceworks regarding this post. Which I would normally get an email for every post someone makes per my settings so that I can keep an eye on posts. So its evident that email was not functioning as of the time you guys last posted yesterday.

RichardT This person is a Verified Professional
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Oct 27, 2009 at 08:27 UTC

In Houston, on Comcast it is redirected as you wish.  There is now only one MX record that I can see, at pref 5, pointing to (

Glad to hear mail is flowing again.

B-C This person is a Verified Professional
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Oct 27, 2009 at 09:07 UTC

that would definitely affect which mx records I was looking at...

"I" or "L"

I've rarely had mail take as long as you're experiencing...  RARELY but does happen with DNS...

Also Not best answer!  Best Answer was the top and first one!


Fair enough. BA moved accordingly. Still, I have one client in particular who still cannot email us. Everyone else in the world is doing just fine, but this is a major customer too. Grrrrrrrrr! I was told that their ISP has not propagated yet.

B-C This person is a Verified Professional
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Oct 27, 2009 at 11:02 UTC

 have them use another dns ... what ever they are using isn't getting reasonable updates...

Thx for moving best answer...

think its more appropriate up there..


 I would but they dont want to change to accomodate us as THEY are the customer. Crap lol!


I 2nd B-C on this for sure. It's not a best practice by any means but they could change their DNS forwarders (Start->Administrative Tools->DNS->properties of the server - from a DC) to a more well known DNS servers like or in the short term. I've never tried OpenDNS but they sound like they might be a good solution as well. Those are my thoughts anyways.


Whoops...mised that the customer doesn't want to change....Would they let you webex onto one of their DC's? Just a thought...


Hahahahahaha, hell no they won't, they are a military compund lol. Top secret clearance is required haha. Not an option, so I guess we just have to wait. I did manage to get in touch with their DNS provider and email them. They actually had a "DNS record Inquiry" email address on their site ;)

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How Long Does It Take for Expired Domains to Turn Back on When They Have Been Renewed?


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