It's no secret that in today's earth of health information technology, patient health data privacy and security are top concerns. Applied science similar remote patient monitoring (RPM) is changing the way patients and providers alike sympathise the quality of intendance that tin can be delivered in the abode.

But with this new influx of remote patient monitoring devices and the information they transmit, a new landscape of security threats has emerged. As data breaches become more frequent and the challenge of protecting our patients' most sensitive information has never been greater, it is essential to evaluate RPM vendors on their ability to protect your organization's valuable patient data.

For a vendor to be a successful partner to your organization, they must reassure you that they can provide the necessary protection of patient health data, which is a major part of the service they offer.

This article will assistance you evaluate your RPM vendor'southward commitment to information security—and ultimately, it will help you lot protect your organization from costly breaches.

The Importance of Data Security in the Healthcare Industry

remote patient monitoring - Data Secutiry

Patient data security remains vital in the healthcare industry for many reasons. Beneath are some of the reasons that information security is essential for your healthcare organization:

1. Enhances Patients Trust

Trust is integral to a successful healthcare arrangement. Patients must trust their providers to offering the best intendance possible. Patients must as well trust that their healthcare organizations handle sensitive data like their RPM reports deeply.

When a healthcare organisation cannot protect patient wellness information, patients will lose trust in the organization, and ultimately, they may go out that organization for another one.

Through better security systems, medical providers tin can demonstrate their ability to protect patient data, thus building up patients' trust and making a remote patient monitoring programme successful.

ii. Prevents Costs of Information Breaches

The costs associated with information breaches are significant for medical providers, health systems, and physician practices.

In a recent IBM study, healthcare organizations estimated that the average toll of a breach is $6.4 million for modest practices and much more that for larger hospitals and wellness systems.

These costs include determining what information was breached, how to notify those affected, credit monitoring services for those affected, legal fees associated with the liability of the incident, and the cost of fines.

Breaches likewise impact your organization's reputation, which is priceless.

iii. Protects Patients' Personal Information and Health Data

HIPAA regulations require that every healthcare organisation protect patient information at all times.

This data may include a patient's condition, treatment, medication history, health insurance information, and billing records equally per HIPAA guidelines.

Healthcare organizations must ensure that this information is rubber at a "reasonable and appropriate security standard." Remote patient monitoring vendors are held to that same standard of trust.

Patients look their healthcare providers to protect their personal wellness data with the same care they use to treat them every day.

An RPM vendor who can demonstrate their ability to protect patient information helps build a successful relationship with your organization. They volition, in turn, allow y'all to provide patients with the best possible healthcare services.

iv. Ensures Compliance
HIPAA compliance for remote patient monitoring

HIPAA regulations also require that your healthcare organization prove its information security compliance annually.

By requiring proof of Compliance, HIPAA is ensuring that healthcare organizations are always aware of their ongoing responsibleness to protect patient data.

5. Reduces Liability Costs

Patient data breaches can often lead to lawsuits confronting your organization.

When patients lose command of their personal information, similar with a data breach, they may sue your organization for amercement related to the violation.

Insurance companies typically consider these types of lawsuits "high-hazard" and will often increment your premiums or refuse coverage based on such claims.

To avoid this, you need to ensure that your organization is compliant with HIPAA, meets all other necessary criteria, and tin testify that it protects patient health data.

If you cull an RPM vendor who understands the importance of data security, you will be less likely to experience lawsuits related to patient data breaches.

six.   Increases Patient Satisfaction
remote patient monitoring program

Protecting patient data leads to increased satisfaction past improving patients' level of trust in your organization.

Patients will be more than likely to recommend you as a healthcare provider if they understand that you lot are committed to protecting their information at all times.

7. Enhances Your Brand Reputation

Reputation is a valuable nugget to any patient intendance arrangement. You can avert negative press related to a patient data breach past ensuring the necessary security protocols are there to begin with. That will enable you to maximize your make'southward value and maintain your adept reputation.

A reputation for patient privacy is one of the virtually of import aspects of whatsoever healthcare organization considering it demonstrates your power to safeguard this sensitive information.

This helps patients cull yous as their top option for healthcare services based on their trust in your organization.

eight. Provides Patients With Secure Data Access

One of the nigh important aspects of patient data security is to ensure that patients can access their data whenever they want.

This includes medical history, billing statements, and other relevant information that will help them become the treatment they demand and ensure ongoing patient adherence to treatment plans.

Patients expect you to provide them with secure access to their personal data. It is also an essential part of building a successful patient-provider relationship, which tin can be especially beneficial if they are looking for new healthcare services in the future.

9. Increases Patient Appointment & Patient Adherence

Protecting patient data goes beyond just giving them secure access to their records. By safeguarding patient data, you demonstrate that you care most the privacy of your patients and that yous are willing to go to a higher place and beyond for them.

This leads to increased engagement and participation with your organization, which leads to higher quality services for you lot and all of your patients.

What should I expect for when evaluating an RPM vendor?

When selecting a vendor to offer remote patient monitoring services, consider the following factors.
selecting a remote patient monitoring program

one. Willingness to Partner with Your Organization

Healthcare organizations increasingly rely on health IT vendors for process enhancement, operational improvements, and even new streams of revenue. Therefore, you must cull a remote patient monitoring vendor with goals that align with those of your healthcare organisation.

When your healthcare organization is working with a vendor that does not prioritize your data security, they are less likely to observe ways to integrate their service into your workflow.

A vendor wants to know that they can rely on your system'southward practices for them to provide an effective service. Thus, information technology volition exist beneficial to notice a vendor who wants to partner with you when information technology comes to data security.

At HealthSnap, the philosophy is to offer a service that patients dear, that nurses don't mind, and that doctors don't hate.

2. Demonstrate Security Measures

Your system should select an RPM  vendor that demonstrates a long-term commitment to protecting your patient's health information. This includes existence transparent about the security measures to ensure prophylactic use, handling, and storage of information.

Ideally, an RPM vendor volition be both HITRUST and HIPAA compliant. They are both of import and separate entities and conduct unique security measures in relation to each other. Securing a partnership with an RPM provider that is compliant with both entities ensures the highest standard of patient data protection.

Perhaps almost important is the RPM vendor's ability to integrate securely with your EHR organisation (shameless plug: HealthSnap integrates with over 80+ EHRs).

three. Skillful Rails Record

A vendor'southward runway record is another important consideration when evaluating your RPM options. You will want to choose a vendor who has experience maintaining secure systems and practices for handling sensitive data, especially patient reports.

With a reputable vendor with a stiff rails tape of protecting your organization's sensitive patient information, you lot will rest easy knowing that they have the skills and expertise necessary to ensure that this data is secure.

4. Remote Patient Monitoring Bachelor 24/7

At HealthSnap, nosotros empathise that chronic status management never takes a twenty-four hours off, and sensitive patient information is a hot article on the blackness marketplace in today'south digital world.

Thus, you lot must select an RPM vendor with a robust security system. Also, they should be available around the clock to address whatever security concerns should they arise.

An RPM Vendor who is bachelor 24/7 will give you peace of listen that your data is being protected at all times.

five. Operating Location

Y'all should select an RPM vendor with an operating location within the U.S.A. While overseas vendors tin can of class follow stringent data security standards, you will want to ensure that your vendor's information systems are within the same jurisdiction of HIPAA regulations as your healthcare organization.

6. Compliance With Regulatory Agencies

It is likewise vital to select an RPM vendor that shows compliance with HIPAA guidelines on protecting patient health information. In that location are various certifications that your vendor should take, such as the HITRUST certification, which will help you feel comfortable most assuasive them to transmit health data betwixt patients and providers.

7. Data Collection Security Measures

To protect your organization from some other big-scale health data breach, you must ensure all of the patient information nerveless by your RPM vendor is securely encrypted

Patient information should only ever get decrypted when necessary for business operations, including transmitting protected data over a secure, encrypted network.

8. Data Deletion Security Measures

If a vendor is no longer providing service to your organization, it is crucial that all patient health data stored on their systems gets deleted and electronically "shredded".

With a secure data deletion organisation, you tin can have peace of mind knowing that the vendor volition not mishandle or sell your patient information at whatever time.

ix. HITRUST Security Clearance

According to the HITRUST Alliance, a coalition of organizations working toward protecting sensitive health information, obtaining a HITRUST certification is "the market'southward gold standard for information security."

HIPAA-covered entities should merely work with RPM vendors that accept been transparently evaluated and received a HITRUST security clearance based on their exceedingly strong ability to go on data safe. This is the ultimate way to confirm that your wellness records volition be secure.

The Consequences of Patients' Information Breach
health data breach - remote patient monitoring

Many people give their health data to doctors and wellness care providers and assume that it will exist protected. Patients trust the health systems they share their personal data with, merely in the current cybersecurity landscape, there is more of a chance for data loss than ever before.

Every day healthcare manufacture professionals face new threats from hackers, online criminals, and thieves determined to intermission into their systems and steal records containing personal information. A breach of patient data can atomic number 82 to various consequences, including:

1. Identity Theft/Fraud

When your remote patient monitoring vendor does not take the necessary steps to secure your patient records, y'all tin virtually guarantee that your data will get compromised. Once this happens, these criminals can use the data to open up lines of credit or take out loans in your patients' names.

Information technology might exist challenging to notice that you are a victim of identity theft if your medical records go stolen. Thieves can discreetly utilise the information they find in these records to change the address listed on an existing account, open up credit carte du jour accounts, or worse.

According to the U.South Department of Wellness and Human Services, data breaches involving unsecured protected health information have led to an increase in fraud or identity theft by xix% over the past 5 years.

With effectually 80 million individuals having their data stored by companies in the digital space, it is no surprise that there has been an increasingly large influx of accounts existence hacked and used fraudulently every year.

2. Payment Fraud/Theft

When your records get stolen, criminals can utilize the information to merits reimbursement. Even if you have implemented a wellness insurance plan with co-pays or deductibles, it is however possible for fraudsters to file simulated claims, and healthcare plans/providers will need to reimburse them.

3. Medical Identity Theft

Medical identity theft occurs when a criminal uses your medical records to take on your identity and receive medical care or services nether your proper name. This blazon of fraud is hard to detect because the perpetrator can use their victim's data to fool health intendance providers, or they might even change their proper name to reflect yours.

When a criminal changes their name to await similar yours, it tin can be challenging to bear witness that you are not the person who received medical care or services from a wellness care provider.

These criminals could receive unnecessary tests and treatments, which might issue in a significant increase in your insurance premiums—peculiarly if a criminal attempts to obtain prescriptions and files multiple claims with insurers.

4. Loss of Medicaid/Medicare or Other Government Benefits

If an individual loses command over their medical records, information technology could upshot in the loss of government benefits. The Social Security Administration cannot qualify you if they do not accept these records, which would make information technology difficult to access regime programs like Medicare and Social Security.

5. Other Challenges

Patient data security is essential when evaluating your RPM vendor. For example, if you lot were the victim of a data breach and your health intendance records got stolen or otherwise compromised, it could be challenging to find piece of work and put your life dorsum together over again.

If you feel your medical information got compromised or stolen, contact your insurer immediately and request a new policy number.

You should besides file a complaint with the Federal Merchandise Committee (FTC) and request an investigation into fraudulent claims and credit card accounts and check your credit reports.

All-time Practices for Preventing Medical Identity Theft
Best Practices for Preventing Medical Identity Theft

Medical identity theft is a serious risk, and if you lose your medical data, it can touch you or someone in your family unit. If one of the following scenarios occurs, you lot need to be enlightened that this type of fraud might exist happening:

  • When someone uses your name and personal information to buy health care products or services
  • When an unauthorized person taps into your existing accounts
  • When someone opens new accounts in your proper noun or the name of another person that is closely associated with you, similar your spouse or child

Consider these practices to protect your health care data better:

ane) Monitor Your Accounts

Check bank, credit bill of fare, and utility statements regularly to identify suspicious activity. If you observe annihilation that doesn't seem right, report it immediately.

You lot can report to a credit bureau that y'all have lost your identity and request a fraud alert or freeze your credit.

2) Request a Free Credit Report Every Year

You should accept access to i free re-create of your annual credit report from each of the three major bureaus in America. Get your credit reports from all three organizations at once for added convenience. Doing that will assist y'all protect your credit from identity thieves.

three) Use Strong Passwords

Choose complex and random combinations of messages, numbers, and symbols to secure your accounts. This will make it harder for potential identity thieves to access your sensitive information online.

When you have a weaker or ofttimes reused countersign, it might be easier for someone to guess your password past using certain key combinations, which you could hands observe on the internet. They will use this information to access your accounts.

  • Do not choose an obvious countersign, such as your name or date of nascence.
  • Avert using unproblematic passwords that others tin approximate. For example, "password123" is easy for someone else to judge and tin can potentially reveal sensitive data about you. Also, avert choosing easy-to-gauge words like "countersign" or "ID."
  • Never share your passwords with anyone.
  • Utilize dissimilar passwords for each of your accounts, including those used for online wellness care applications or medical software programs.

4) Discard Unnecessary Paperwork
Discard Unnecessary Paperwork

Part of the HIPAA privacy rule requires that providers take appropriate precautions to forestall unauthorized admission to private wellness information.

One way your doctors can do that is by using a secure disposal method, such as shredding documents you no longer demand rather than simply tossing them in the trash.

five) Sign Upwards for Fraud Warning Notifications

Contact your depository financial institution or credit menu visitor immediately if you suspect that someone is operating your unauthorized accounts in your name. A fraud alert will help you stay enlightened of your account status in existent time, preventing the company from issuing new credit in your name without your consent.

six) Alter your passwords and PINs regularly
Change your passwords and PINs regularly

You lot must change your passwords and PINs every 12-eighteen months. This is to prevent potential identity thieves from gaining access to your accounts if they acquire the countersign or code you use for them.

If you do not change your passwords and PINs regularly, an identity thief will be able to hands gain access to your accounts, which could lead to runaway medical costs.

seven) Do Not Respond to Unsolicited Requests

Never offer your social security number, credit card number, or online passwords to any person or visitor that you lot don't know. Identity thieves oftentimes pose every bit representatives of healthcare providers and banks and asking this data over the phone.

They can then utilise the data to admission and drain your bank accounts or use for new credit in your proper noun.

8) Get a Copy of Your Medical Records

You can asking a gratuitous re-create of your medical records from your medico'southward part at any fourth dimension. This paperwork is helpful if you want to modify pharmacies or receive treatment at another facility.

You tin can request a re-create of your claret pressure readings, cholesterol, and glucose readings from your doctor's role at whatever time- or access them through a secure remote patient monitoring portal such as HealthSnap'southward. This data helps you monitor changes in your health over time.

nine) Use Caution When Sharing Health Intendance Information

Part of the HIPAA privacy rule requires you to give written authorization earlier your provider can share your medical records with any third party. That ways that anyone who calls or comes in to see the physician without an appointment cannot receive this information.

You should limit how much personal health information you disembalm to others, including your employer or anyone who has access to your medical records.

Central Components of Remote Patient Monitoring Services
effective remote patient monitoring program

An effective remote patient monitoring program has many facets. They include:

one. A Patient-Facing Virtual Care Platform

An all-in-one integrated virtual care platform similar HealthSnap gives patients everything they demand to manage their chronic conditions from home. The platform should exist configured to easily display historical patient information that is collected from readings taken on continued remote patient monitoring devices.

two. Hospital Side Software
Hospital Side Software

Hospital-side software is also key for deeply managing patient information. The platform can get installed on tablets, workstations, laptops, or smartphones depending on what works all-time for your team.

Say goodbye to the days of mitt-written patient logs, and utilise remote patient monitoring software to empower your chronic disease direction teams and scale your do.

With remote patient monitoring software, every time your patient takes a reading, that physiological data is transmitted to your care squad in real time. HealthSnap's proprietary AI-driven software is even able to discover patterns in this data, offer alerts and notifications to the care team when a patient's health status might be at hazard of a catastrophic upshot.

For case, if patient John Smith has been taking his blood pressure level with a connected remote patient monitoring device, and his blood pressure has been trending up for a certain amount of fourth dimension, that will ping your care team to reach out to this patient and get them into the role for a visit before something like a stroke or middle attack occurs.

3. Secure Cloud Platform

The platform must too be secure and HIPAA-compliant, and ideally, HITRUST certified, to ensure proper maintenance of patient information. This cloud environment provides easy access to all patient data. It also lets the doctor or caregiver monitor at risk patients remotely, allowing for a more proactive care approach as opposed to an episodic one.

Remote monitoring helps at risk patients with chronic conditions to remain contained for much longer. It's an constructive way of keeping them healthy, happy, and safe in their residences- offering intendance commitment in the place where chronic conditions truly play out.

four. Connected Remote Patient Monitoring Device (RPM Devices)

The system works on the principle of sending wireless information from a patient's medical device directly to their provider.

With HealthSnap, there is nothing friction in the setup process. The remote patient monitoring devices are drib-shipped direct to the patient's home and preconfigured to link to their patient profile. All they have to practise is take the device out of the box, insert the batteries included, and take a reading as they unremarkably would.

HealthSnap's remote patient monitoring devices are cellularly enabled, equally opposed to Bluetooth or WiFi, allowing for older patient populations to go fix with ease. No app downloads or logins are required- only have your blood pressure level or glucose reading as you usually would, and that physiological information will be at the provider'south fingertips.

5. Mobile Phone (Optional)

Some RPM platforms likewise utilize a mobile phone as a communication tool alongside their remote patient monitoring devices.

RPM software like HealthSnap bridges the gap between healthcare providers and patients. It allows doctors to undertake continuous monitoring of their patient's wellness remotely in existent-time. This helps care teams manage chronic care weather condition for at-chance patient populations with ease.

What Remote Patient Monitoring Devices Are Ideal?
remote patient monitoring tools

There are a variety of devices that are ideal for remote chronic care management; the selection depends on the type of technology that would piece of work all-time for an individual's needs. It also depends on what conditions yous're hoping to manage within your patient populations. Some more frequently used remote patient monitoring devices include:

one. Weight Calibration

Cellular scales enable physicians to monitor a patient's weight and determine if there is any significant weight gain or loss. Weight gain or loss can indicate lifestyle habits or other potentially serious wellness weather, such every bit a secondary center assault.

They are also helpful for patients who need to maintain a certain weight threshold to command related conditions such as loftier blood pressure or diabetes.

2. Blood Glucose Monitor

Blood glucose monitors are important because they let physicians to monitor trends in blood sugar levels on an ongoing basis, which is specially helpful for patients with diabetes.

If a diabetic patient is taking their claret saccharide readings regularly, and the data is showing that their claret carbohydrate is getting higher, this offers important insight into the patient's status and can offering a real-time cue to the care team to become that patient into the function to come across what is causing this trend.

iii. Claret Pressure level Cuff

A connected claret pressure cuff is one of the most important remote patient monitoring devices. Patients that deal with chronic weather condition such equally heart failure and uncontrolled hypertension (high blood pressure) can simply have a blood pressure reading on the device and accept that data immediately transmitted to their care team.

Patients can effortlessly get connected to their care squad by using a cellularly enabled device like a claret pressure cuff that sends medical professionals information on the patient's vital signs in real time. This helps monitor changes in blood catamenia and pressure level levels, which can indicate other wellness atmospheric condition such every bit kidney failure or cardiac arrest.

Be sure to expect for rpm vendors that utilise validated claret pressure monitors!

four. Thermometer

A thermometer allows medical staff to monitor a patient'southward body temperature. If information technology comes out that the patient has an infection, physicians can prescribe antibiotics without the need for those patients to come to the actual health care facility.

Many dissimilar factors can change and affect body temperature, so taking these measurements remotely with continued RPM devices is helpful.

5. Pulse Oximeter

Another way to use remote patient monitoring devices to continue intendance teams aware of a patient's vital signs is with the use of a connected pulse oximeter. Pulse oximeters are helpful for individuals with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary affliction (COPD), congestive centre failure, eye disease, and several other health conditions that cause poor apportionment in the body.

A pulse oximeter allows insight into a patient'southward claret oxygen levels, which is essential for remote cardiac monitoring.

Is Remote Patient Monitoring Worth It?

The short answer is Yes – remote patient monitoring is more than than worth it. This is the case for both patients and providers. There is tremendous value in leveraging artificial intelligence into your chronic illness management protocols. The following are some of the benefits of remote patient monitoring that supports value-based care delivery models:
Is Remote Patient Monitoring Worth It

ane. Reduced Costs

Remote patient monitoring programs can reduce or eliminate the need to transport and visit patients in hospitals and clinics.

Sometimes, because of transportation and staffing limitations, patients fall through the cracks and don't receive the care they demand. As we said- chronic conditions don't take days off. Thankfully, neither does remote patient monitoring.

In improver, using continued RPM devices to proactively track a patient's vital signs reduces the occurrence of catastrophic wellness events which are costly for health systems, patients, and wellness plans.

2. Increased Quality of Care

Remote patient monitoring allows healthcare professionals to be more than proactive rather than reactive in their approach. It helps them monitor patients regularly and act quickly if and when conditions change.

This blazon of proactive approach provides an opportunity for improve healthcare delivery. That's because it prevents issues that could require hospitalization or other plush treatments.

3. Improved Efficiency in Intendance Commitment

remote patient monitoring improving efficiency

Remote patient monitoring reduces the time spent on routine tasks such as manually logging blood pressure or glucose readings. That allows healthcare professionals to focus more than of their efforts on other crucial tasks.

Patients often become disengaged from their care plan as time passes. Perhaps they are feeling better day-to-24-hour interval, and become lax with their medication management and domicile monitoring. That is why remote patient monitoring devices can bridge the gap, assuasive patients to feel more connected to their health care providers. The providers, in plough, are armed with continuous real-time wellness data about patients who may otherwise fall through the cracks and avoid routine checkups. A true win-win.

four. Improved Patient Outcomes

Remote patient monitoring tin meliorate chronic condition outcomes in several ways.

RPM devices allow clinicians to constantly share patient data with medical staff working across departments. It will enable everyone on that patient's care team to collaborate and provide information-driven, proactive care when and where patients need it most.

Besides, remote patient monitoring programs allow for patient educational activity, providing easy-to-access insight into their health data that perhaps they hadn't seen before.

Remote patient monitoring devices can empower patients to take control of their wellness data and lifestyle choices, ensuring that they follow their handling plans and receive the best possible care.

5. Clinical Capabilities

clinical capabilities for healthcare systems

New remote patient monitoring technologies, such as cellular-enabled and pre-configured health devices, allow patients to really get involved with their care plan.

Say our hypothetical patient John Smith loves his Apple Lookout man. Remote patient monitoring vendors like HealthSnap can seamlessly integrate the data collected on those third-political party devices, and allow John Smith's providers to see his vital signs from a full mean solar day of wear in an actionable format.

6. Improved Patient Compliance

remote patient monitoring devices

Using remote patient monitoring tin greatly improve patient compliance.

A remote patient monitoring system offers health intendance providers ongoing patient information to apply when determining the need to adapt therapies appropriately and alter their treatments when necessary.

Many people practice non follow through with their treatment plans because of the inconvenience or inability to physically get themselves to medical clinics. This could be due to a lack of reliable transportation, or mobility issues. Unfortunately, this results in less effective handling plans that are more than episodic in nature.

7. Improved Patient Satisfaction

Permit's talk about patient satisfaction scores. People are generally happier when they practise not have to go out their homes to visit medical facilities, particularly if traveling puts them at risk of pain or inconvenience.

A remote patient monitoring programme reduces the demand for transportation costs. It also improves the overall quality of life for patients who have been diagnosed with chronic conditions.

With pre-configured, cellularly-enabled devices, that patient satisfaction only grows as at that place volition be no need to call your grandchild and ask them how the heck to connect to WiFi.

8. Decreased Patient Readmissions

Remote patient monitoring programs allow for a proactive arroyo to chronic condition direction, leading to fewer hospital readmissions overall.

Patient readmissions consequence in billions in health care costs and tin be reduced if hospitals apply remote patient monitoring devices to monitor patients afterwards they leave the facilities.

This helps ensure that their conditions do not worsen while at home, requiring them to render to the hospital or medical facility for treatment only when admittedly necessary.

For all the reasons above, it's evident that remote patient monitoring is worth your while.

Choose HealthSnap's Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring Platform for Your Chronic Condition Direction Needs

HealthSnap's remote patient monitoring platform

In summary, while information security concerns are valid in the digital health globe, the right RPM vendor can convalesce those concerns and empower your intendance squad to deliver proactive care to at-take chances patient populations.

At HealthSnap, We Protect Your Data Like It'southward Our Own

Non only practice we build world-class features, but we likewise accept a laser focus on building a secure virtual intendance platform to house your information.

Top Security & Privacy Features

The promises below take been function of HealthSnap from the first. Everyone at HealthSnap is committed to protecting our customers and patients.

Concrete Security

We are hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) who provides robust, physical data heart security and environmental controls.


We enable encryption of sensitive data both at rest and in transit over public networks.

Information Usage

We don't mine or access your data for commercial purposes and never will.

Information Privacy

We but utilise customer data to provide the service; nosotros don't expect into your business relationship without your permission.

Information Recovery

Nosotros regularly support your data and provide a maximum 24-hr RTO and RPO.

Information Ownership

Your data 100% belongs to you.

Database Security

We host your information in its own secure database.

Integrated Services

Nosotros use OAuth2 to deeply qualify other connected platforms and practise not store your username or password for those services.

Privacy & Condom Features

We allow you to turn on and off privacy-impacting features to meet your needs.


HealthSnap maintains multiple 3rd party certifications for security and privacy.


HealthSnap is proud to have received its HITRUST certification in January 2021. As the market-leading security, privacy, and compliance assessment and report, accomplishment of HITRUST CSF® Certification not simply demonstrates that HealthSnap is taking the nigh proactive approach to data protection and risk mitigation, but is adhering to the highest information security standards.

In Conclusion

If you evaluate RPM software vendors, ensure that they understand the importance of patient data security and proof of compliance. This will help you lot encounter your legal responsibleness for protecting patient information while also improving the level of care that you provide for all of your patients.

If you lot're looking for the best RPM vendor to partner with your healthcare organization, look no further than HealthSnap. HealthSnap is the simplest way to manage chronic conditions in the earth of remote care, and we're experts in bringing care teams together with the power of integrated remote patient monitoring and telehealth.

We're set to partner with you lot to deliver proactive patient care, improve your patient outcomes, and develop a new stream of revenue with RPM. Interested in learning more?

Schedule your own practice RPM consultation by clicking here to run into if RPM is right for you and your patients!